Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Postcard Fail. March 29th, Entry #64

Sara:  I just designed a pretty sweet postcard.  Trying to do a little more promotion for the upcoming, and bound to be awesome, Michael James Mette concert at St. Michael in 2 weeks.  So, I thought, "hey, I'll send a postcard to every family with middle schoolers and/or high schoolers".  So, sat down, made a sweet postcard, mail merged all the names, started printing....all is looking good.

But for some reason, half way through the printing, I just felt like I needed to look over the postcard one more time to make sure I included all the info I needed.  And then it happened.   I freaked out before I even noticed it on the page because I just knew....I didn't include the date.  Sure everyone, come up to St. Michael for a rockin' awesome concert....but you'll have to guess which day it's on.  Good luck!  It'll be like a scavenger hunt....you guys like scavenger hunts, right???

As Matthew Morefield would say to me right now.....MLIA.


  1. haha first off thanks for the shout out. i know you are missing the updates on the hip new time wasters. hopefully someone is keeping you up to speed. and also just gotta say congrats on such an...awesome....postcard.

    GOOD JOB :)

  2. yeah, no one keeps me up to date on those anymore...sad times. But probably good since I don't need any more things to waste my time. :) But.....if you find any new fun ones, send them my way.
