Saturday, April 23, 2011

He is Risen!! April 23rd, Entry #75.

Christ is Risen from the Dead, He is one with us again, COME AWAKE, COME AWAKE, come and rise up from the grave!

Happy Easter everyone!!

Thanks Matt Maher for writing THE best Easter song ever.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The servants of the servants of God. April 21st, Entry #73.

Sara:  It's Holy Thursday.  The start of the Triduum.  I love the Triduum.  So many beautiful traditions wrapped into these 3 days.  All week I have been planning to put up a video or a song or something about the Last Supper or the Washing of the Feet....something inspirational and moving that will cause all of you to cry and go out and love Jesus.  BUT, nothing I found was taking me there and it certainly wasn't going to take you there.  So then I started thinking about the foot washing, and that took me to my own experience (3 really) of foot washing.

Ahh Prayer and Action.  You all know how much I love this program, but let me take you back 3 years to the very first one I attended.  On Wednesday night, we were in our leader meeting learning about the night's activities and quickly running through Thursday's activities as well.  All was fine and well until Gale told us that Thursday night included a foot washing ceremony.  I turned to Aaron, cocked my eyebrow, dropped my head in contempt and he shook his head a little and rolled his eyes.  You see, Aaron and I...not so much the touchy, feely, close your eyes and imagine God's presence kind of people.  Nuh-uh, no way, yuck.  And you want us to be part of a cheesy, lame, seemingly meaningless foot washing ceremony AND convince my kiddos that "no, really, this will be awesome and moving and change your life".  Not a chance.

BUT, we didn't have a choice.  We had to do it, and we were going to do it with smiles because we're awesome like that.  So, Thursday night rolls around and the staff starts by going in pairs to each chaperon, washing our feet and then praying over us so that no one else can hear.  When they were done, they gave Aaron and I our own bucket and towel and we went and did the same to all the kiddos in our group.  Aaron and I were wrong, dead wrong.  It WAS awesome and moving.  Man, I hate when I'm wrong.  It was touching and personal and not meaningless at all, but definitely very meaningful and powerful.  It is obviously humbling to wash another person's feet, but it is even more humbling to have someone pray over you, to offer up your struggles to God for you.  Yikes.

Every year since then I look forward to Thursday night. I know that the return kiddos do too.  After the actual foot washing we gather these kiddos up in a tower of prayer and they just lose it.  They break.  They cry.  They think.  They pray.  They are humbled....just like the Apostles.

Some of my favorites over the years:
** Blake telling Aaron right before we wash his feet: *make sure you get between the toes"
** Big, tough guys dripping tears down onto the floor and snotting themselves.
** The kiddos hugging and comforting each other after they have been prayed over.
** Andrew telling me that he was going to pray over our kiddos with me because he just loves them.

So, tonight, Holy Thursday, we remember Jesus washing his Apostles feet.  He did it and then told them, "If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet.  I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do."  At Prayer and Action our kiddos work SOOO hard all week.....and they don't complain or take the easy way out.  They make sure the work gets done, they serve with compassion and integrity.  They least, the very least, we could do for them, is show them this act of charity, to do for them what Jesus did for his Apostles.

We were, as John Paul II so perfectly coined, the servants of the servants of God.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Take a big drink! April 19th, Entry #72.

Sara:  Now, I did have a few more things to say about the Chrism Mass, but they are mostly funny and I didn't really want to mess with my somewhat serious ramblings in the last post.  I only get serious every so often...I didn't want to jinx myself.  But now, on with the funny shenanigans.  You guessed it, most of them are about Kyle and C-dub.

#1 Kyle looked so nice!  So, the thing with the Chrism Mass is that there are a lot of important people there, especially the Archbishop, so you need to make a good impression, dress up, look professional.  When Kyle told me he was going to be at the Mass I was a little worried that he's show up in tattered jeans, a t-shirt and flip flops.  BUT, he didn't!  He had a shirt, WITH buttons, and it was TUCKED into his jeans.  Our little guy is growing up!

#2  C-dub's communion with Dana Nearmeyer.  Kyle and I see Chris laughing as he walks away from receiving the Blood of Christ from Dana.  Oh boy.  We can only guess what Dana said.
       Dana: Take a big drink!  The Blood of Christ.  Amen brother.
        Chris: I didn't even say Amen.
       Kyle and Sara: **trying not to laugh out loud in Church**

#3  The Archbishop's homily.  Ok, so this wasn't funny.  Ok, I guess the part where he called Abbot Barnabas "Deacon Barnabas" was pretty funny.  (just so you know, an Abbot is like a bishop in a religious order.  you don't call an abbot a deacon!)  BUT anyways, the AB told a story about a Jesuit priest who was ministering undercover in Communist Russia in the 1940s and was eventually arrested, tortured and help prisoner for 15 years.  And after all of this happened, he still felt that he had failed God...that he had given in to torture and not defended God the way he should have.  What?!?! 

His story was awesome and intense and I am in no way doing it justice, so I am just going to give you a link to his story so you can read it for yourself.  It could be a great way to get ready for the Triduum.  Sacrifice for God....what can you do?  Fr. Walter Ciszek.

Go Church!! April 19th, Entry #71.

Sara:  This morning I had the privilege to attend the Chrism Mass.  Each year, on the Tuesday during Holy Week, all the priests from the Archdiocese gather together to renew their commitment to the priesthood and the Archbishop blesses and consecrates all the scared oils that each parish uses throughout the year: the Oil of the Sick, the Oil of the Catechumens and the Sacred Chrism.  So, the priests celebrate being priests AND they get some sweet presents too!!

This was the first time I have ever been to Chrism Mass and I must say that I was impressed.  I loved seeing all the people!  Check it:

Bishops - 3, count 'em...3!
Priests - 170
Permanent Deacons - 17
Transitional Deacons (going to be ordained priests next month) - 3
Seminarians - 28
Men entering the seminary next fall - 3
Religious sisters - I don't know, but there were alot!
High schoolers in attendance - about 100
Youth Ministers in attendance - I saw at least 5 of us

I mean, c' cool is that!!  We were in a room packed with holy servants of God!!  Men and women who have dedicated their lives to God and to serving the people of the church.  Yikes, goosebumps. 

I think my favorite part was during the Eucharistic Prayer, when the priest says, "Through him, with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever."  We all know that part....but imagine not 1, but 173 priests saying it out loud, together.  The weight and the beauty and the history of our Catholic faith and the institution of the priesthood was so least to me.  All these men standing their, professing what they believe, bringing Jesus to us in His body and cool.  It made me want to stand up, punch my fist in the air and yell, "Go Church!" 

But, I figured that that probably wasn't the most appropriate thing to do at that moment....and I really didn't want Fr. Bill to fire me there on the spot.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Be radical. April 8th, Entry #70.

Sara: I'm willingly admitting that I am just stealing this from Jonathan's blog and I am totally fine with that....I hope he is too.  But I loved this video and the message.  Simple, well said, kicks you in the tush.  We talked about it at AP FLOCK last week but I didn't get a chance to show the kiddos, so I thought I would put it up now.

The only tragedy in life: to NOT have become a saint.  Be radical.  I dare you.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Social Media. April 7th, Entry #69.

Sara:  So, I just sat through an 8 hour seminar about social media.  It was called "Social Media Bootcamp".  And while it is much different that the exercise bootcamp that I have been doing at 6:30am every morning (I know, right!), it was aptly named.  We learned about many, many different social media resources out there....everything from Facebook to YouTube to Twitter to Blogging to live streaming video and then how to connect all of them through one click of a button.  Very effective.

I understand the purpose behind social media and connecting with people and sharing thoughts and videos and pictures and keeping up with someone who lives 500 miles away... and I like it, I really do.  I think it all has good intentions and wonderful potential and I'm excited to see the new things to come that will keep us connected.  I love that Grandma reads this blog and that I taught my mom how to use facebook over Christmas.  I love that I texted 26 former and current students this morning with a really cool quote and it only took me 2 minutes.  I understand that the future of world communication will be through social media and I find it very exciting.

But, I'd still rather just talk to you.  I'd rather go on a long walk and hear about your joys and sorrows.  I'd rather go to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in a while and sit there for 2 hours after we have actually finished eating just catching up.  I'd rather toss a football around with my 13-year old cousin, Sam, than talk to him on Facebook chat.  I'd rather have coffee with my mother than text conversations.  I'd rather sit down with a kiddo and listen to them than read about their lives in their status updates.

Call me old fashioned, call me out of the loop, call me totally lame.  But if social media was created to connect people, I'd rather do it in person any day of the week.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"I Saw the Sign". April 6th, Entry #68.

Sara: I'm totally lame.  I know this.  I'm ok with it.  I've even embraced it.  My lameness exudes from the very core of my being.  It's really amazing to me sometimes that teenagers actually like me.  And even if they don't really like me, they still spend time with me. 

So, with my lameless in fill swing, I LOVE cheesy things, like cheesy jokes, fabulous puns, quesadillas and hilarious street signs.  Here are just a few that have caught my fancy lately.

I have not seen them in real life sadly, just life in the internet.  But, if I saw something like this on the side of the road you know I would pull over so fast and take picture it would cause a pile up on Nall.  And I am ok with that too.