Thursday, April 7, 2011

Social Media. April 7th, Entry #69.

Sara:  So, I just sat through an 8 hour seminar about social media.  It was called "Social Media Bootcamp".  And while it is much different that the exercise bootcamp that I have been doing at 6:30am every morning (I know, right!), it was aptly named.  We learned about many, many different social media resources out there....everything from Facebook to YouTube to Twitter to Blogging to live streaming video and then how to connect all of them through one click of a button.  Very effective.

I understand the purpose behind social media and connecting with people and sharing thoughts and videos and pictures and keeping up with someone who lives 500 miles away... and I like it, I really do.  I think it all has good intentions and wonderful potential and I'm excited to see the new things to come that will keep us connected.  I love that Grandma reads this blog and that I taught my mom how to use facebook over Christmas.  I love that I texted 26 former and current students this morning with a really cool quote and it only took me 2 minutes.  I understand that the future of world communication will be through social media and I find it very exciting.

But, I'd still rather just talk to you.  I'd rather go on a long walk and hear about your joys and sorrows.  I'd rather go to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in a while and sit there for 2 hours after we have actually finished eating just catching up.  I'd rather toss a football around with my 13-year old cousin, Sam, than talk to him on Facebook chat.  I'd rather have coffee with my mother than text conversations.  I'd rather sit down with a kiddo and listen to them than read about their lives in their status updates.

Call me old fashioned, call me out of the loop, call me totally lame.  But if social media was created to connect people, I'd rather do it in person any day of the week.

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