Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Go Church!! April 19th, Entry #71.

Sara:  This morning I had the privilege to attend the Chrism Mass.  Each year, on the Tuesday during Holy Week, all the priests from the Archdiocese gather together to renew their commitment to the priesthood and the Archbishop blesses and consecrates all the scared oils that each parish uses throughout the year: the Oil of the Sick, the Oil of the Catechumens and the Sacred Chrism.  So, the priests celebrate being priests AND they get some sweet presents too!!

This was the first time I have ever been to Chrism Mass and I must say that I was impressed.  I loved seeing all the people!  Check it:

Bishops - 3, count 'em...3!
Priests - 170
Permanent Deacons - 17
Transitional Deacons (going to be ordained priests next month) - 3
Seminarians - 28
Men entering the seminary next fall - 3
Religious sisters - I don't know, but there were alot!
High schoolers in attendance - about 100
Youth Ministers in attendance - I saw at least 5 of us

I mean, c'mon....how cool is that!!  We were in a room packed with holy servants of God!!  Men and women who have dedicated their lives to God and to serving the people of the church.  Yikes, goosebumps. 

I think my favorite part was during the Eucharistic Prayer, when the priest says, "Through him, with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever."  We all know that part....but imagine not 1, but 173 priests saying it out loud, together.  The weight and the beauty and the history of our Catholic faith and the institution of the priesthood was so prevalent....at least to me.  All these men standing their, professing what they believe, bringing Jesus to us in His body and blood.....so cool.  It made me want to stand up, punch my fist in the air and yell, "Go Church!" 

But, I figured that that probably wasn't the most appropriate thing to do at that moment....and I really didn't want Fr. Bill to fire me there on the spot.

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