Tuesday, January 31, 2012

IHOOP. January 29th, Entry #101.

Sara:  Tonight at FLOCK we talked about old people.  Well, to be fair we talked about 6 groups of people that tend to have their dignity threatened in our culture: the unborn, the elderly, the homeless, prisoners, the handicapped and 3rd world citizens.  While I could go into the depth of the topic and talk about human dignity, that is not the purpose of this post....at all.

We spilt all the kiddos into 6 groups and each group was assigned one of the aforementioned groups to answer some questions about.  One of the questions was: Are there institutions or organizations already in place to help this group?

Well, when Erica's group got up to answer their questions about the elderly, specifically the one listed above, it went like this.

Q: Are there institutions or organizations already in place to help this group?
A: The AARP, nursing homes, and IHOP.

Sara:  IHOP?
Erica:  Yeah, have you seen how old people go there?  The last time I went there everyone in there was old.  They should change the name to the "International House of Old People.

Really?  Did you really just say that?  Well, if that's the case, it really ought to be IHOOP, not IHOP.  Get it right.

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