Thursday, December 16, 2010

seewhatididthere? December 10th, Entry #49.

Sara: While I blog a lot about Kyle and Chris, there is another YM that'd I like to highlight....Mr. Mikey Needleman.  You all know him, most of you love him, he's half the reason that my kiddos want to go to rallies and retreats.... "oh, Mikey's playing, we have to go!"....this is not an exaggeration.  But, I will admit, I just haven't ever known him very well.  This is probably due to the fact that he's an up-and-coming celebrity and therefore really busy and I'm just awkward and lame.  I think that sums it up pretty well.

However, I got to spend a lot of time with Mikey this past week and let me just say...he is totally worth all the hype.  Here are a few things I learned about Mikey: he is half Puerto Rican, he has a great story about how he started dating his girlfriend, he is ridiculously hilarious, he would have stayed up until 3am every night if we had let him, he can rock the sweater vest and the boy knows his stuff!  He is one solid Catholic dude.

Well, our dear friend Mikey led a breakout session at this conference entitled "Effectively creating and maintaining a choir/band".  And of course we all had to attend his session and support him even though I have absolutely nothing to do with music in our church.

See, doesn't he rock the sweater vest? 
And he looks so professional!

Now, I did mention that Mikey is hilarious....and not only is Mikey hilarious, he is up for anything.  So, when we decided at lunch (1 hour before his session) that we were going to come up with a list of 10 things that Mikey needed to somehow slip into his presentation...he was totally up for it.  And, if he got at least 5 out of the 10, he would get one giant group hug from us....I know, right, how lucky was he! 

Here is the list and the ones that he succeeded in saying

X  Stapler
    I like to skateboard!
X  SeewhatIdidthere?
    Sweater vests
    Doodie Burger (thanks Kyle for this very mature phrase)
    Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!
X  Party in the USA
X  Light the Fire
X  Beef and Cheese

Impressive.  Very impressive.

Also, Mikey had a knack for shortening words that really didn't need to be we all enjoyed giving him a hard time about that later.  For instance:
"Here are some obvies to play for an opening song"  Actual word: obvious
"Here are some suggests for Advent"  Actual word: suggestions
And, my favorite phrase of the session: let's pray it out.  Yeah team, we got a big mass coming up, we got to play for Jesus, we got to stay focused, we got to win the gold, "LET'S PRAY IT OUT!".

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