Anyways, it was a great night, much better than I anticipated it to turn out. I just didn't feel that I had everything together...more like a bunch of thoughts instead of a well-put-together plan. But, well-put-together plans leave no room for the Holy Spirit to work....and the Holy Spirit definitely came through on this one. It was a simple message, but really all I wanted the kiddos to get out of it was that #1 God is love and #2 Love is a choice, to desire and choose the good of another. So simple. So huge. So missing in our culture.
Just a few thank yous.
To high schoolers that are not too cool to play "Honey if you love me". That might have been one of the most epic rounds of that game I have ever seen. I thought you all might think it was a bit too cheesy for you and not want to play. Thanks for proving me wrong.
Brian, thanks for scandalizing a few of us. Even with the "Brian rule" for this game, you still managed to be extra creepy....especially with the southern accent.
Jane.....I can't believe you didn't crack at all!! So proud.
Kevin, your excitement for the faith and you desire to "get it" is so stinkin' cool! You hit the nail right on the head when you said right away that love is sacrifice. Holy cow man, well done. I wish you weren't leaving FLOCK so soon after starting. But I'm excited to see where your new faith takes you.
Justin...I still can't believe you came to FLOCK the day of your graduation. You are a superstar. Always have been.
Favorite quote of the night. (thank you Jane)
We were talking about the 4 Fs of authentic love. (free, full, faithful, fruitful).
Sara: love has to be freely given. It can't be forced. Like back in the day when people were forced into arranged marriage.
Jane: Yeah, when a girl was traded for a pig.
One of the boys: well, hopefully it was a really nice pig.
It's ok Jane, I think you're worth way more than a pig....I mean, at LEAST 3 pigs, really nice ones too.
And my favorite after-FLOCK comment.
Yesterday Mrs. McEntee told me what Jordan and Olivia said when they got home from FLOCK.
Jordan & Olivia: Sara and Michael are totally going to get married. He took care of her all day on Saturday when she was sick. They're totally going to get married. And we're going to be the flower girls.
Really, 17-year-old flower girls?? This I cannot wait to see. But don't worry, I've already picked out the dresses.
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