Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Free Thugs. April 27th, Entry # 76.

Sara:  You know, I'm not going to lie....I've said in this blog before that sometimes middle schoolers drive me nuts, make me want to pull my hair, and make me that much more thankful for high schoolers.  But lately it's been the other way around.  Some of my high schoolers are going through some tough stuff, dealing with some real issues and bringing the drama....so these little middle schoolers, they're kind of a nice break.  The ones that are GIFT regulars are just fun and light-hearted and make me laugh with their delightful immaturity and innocence.  I am loving it.  (who knows if I'll be singing this same tune next month!)

Last week at GIFT it was game night.  Aaron told the kiddos that we weren't actually going to have a game night this week, but that he really felt called to talk to them about the obstacles in their lives.  But really he was just messing with them.....we went into the gym after that to build giant obstacle courses.  Ha.  Seewhatididthere??  But it was a fun night all around.  See below for some examples.

Before we got started we were just talking about our favorite TV shows so Aaron decided to make a list.  If you ever wondered what middle schoolers, 1 high school leader and 2 youth ministers like on TV:

Quotes of the night:
Aaron to David: you're the only dude here....well, 'cept me.

Becca: I'm allergic to Bieber Fever.  It's a deadly disease.

Erin: I want a shirt that says "I'm so fabulous I fart glitter".  (I am not making this up)

David wanted to give away free hugs.  He and I practiced Virtus appropriate hugging such as the side-hug and the tush-out hug.  Then Aaron went and gave it a whole new spin.

Aaron's not very good at hula-hooping.  But he's much better than me.

Part of our sweet obstacle course.  I think my favorite part was where they had to maneuver over the "dead body" (Erin laying in an awkward position) and they couldn't touch it or else they would get leprosy.  Not making this up.

Oh middle schoolers....thanks for being awesome lately.  Keep it up.

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