Sara: Sunday night at FLOCK we talked about the Catholic Social Teaching, Rights and Responsibilities. This basically says that if we believe that we are entitled to certain rights, like food, shelter, clothing, then we have a responsibility to make sure that every other human also has the same right to those things. Solid. Yay church.
So, to start off the night we did a little activity to help the kiddos see the difference between a right and a luxury. Everyone deserves basic human rights, not necissarily luxuries. We had a sign that said "Right" hanging on one wall and another sign that said "Luxury" hanging on the other wall. Aaron read out something, like "toys", and the kids had to decide if that thing was a right or a luxury by standing on the appropriate side of the room. Get it? So, as we were doing this and watching the wheels turn in eveyone's heads as they had to think about it, we also got some pretty clever quotes.
Item #2: Cars
David: that depends if it's a luxury car.
Item # 5: Entertainment
Everyone except Brandon stood on the "luxury" side. (we soon convinced him otherwise)
Brandon: I am the 1%.
Item # 6: Friends
David: the TV show or the people?
Then the debate turned to how people need other people because they can't be friends with themselves. Erica: unless they are schzio"freind"zic.
Item #10: Work
Brandon: Can we go back to toys? That was easy.
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