Wow. I'm really bad at blogging. Not like, "I could do better", more like "if the world hinged on your ability to blog regularly the world would have ended 9 months ago" bad. That's really bad. I don't even have a good excuse. There have been times when something really cool happened and I think about writing about it but that's about as far as it gets. And then when Chris started working here I thought, "hey, he likes to blog, maybe we can resurrect this thing". Nope, still hasn't happened.
But enough....enough of that hooey. It's time to commit again. Like a New Year's Resolution without the New Year's Eve party. Chris just said "oh, and when we finish making this video (see future post to see it) we can put it on the blog" and I said "yeah, I don't really do that anymore" and he looked at me with sad, guilt-inducing eyes and made me cry a little. Ok, that's not true at all, but you get the point.
So, I think I'll get back on the saddle by talking about how cool it is to work with Cdub. I've talked about Chris Walters a few times in past posts (check out post #61 for an entire expose on the use of his name) and lots of people know how cool he is. So when the opportunity arose for us to work together we were both really excited. And then when it actually happened, well, let's just say it's been awesome. I joked that we would never get any work done b/c #1 we would have deep theological discussions OR #2 we would have office chair races. Both great options.
But so far so good. It's been a lot of fun and a lot of great work. The best part about working with someone who has past youth ministry experience AND is a friend is that you can bounce ideas off of each other and come up with even better ones.
Ex #1 Sara: I want to focus on the idea of "I believe" for the 2nd night.
Chris: What about he Sporting KC cheer "I believe that we can win"?
Sara: YES! And we can make it a Sporting KC theme night!
Chris: And we can play human Foosball, like a giant soccer game!
Or, when you know someone pretty well you can kind of start to think like the other person and anticipate their needs.
Ex #2 Sara: thinking to herself during human Foosball "hmm, we should throw out more balls to make this game more exciting".
10 seconds later: Chris throws more balls out onto the gym floor.
Or, they challenge you to be a better person.
Ex #3 Chris: I'm going to go pray in the Church for a little bit. Wanna come?
Sara: Yes, yes I probably should.
Or, when they laugh at the same stupid things as you.
Ex #4 Youtube video that I showed Chris and he watched like 10 times in a row while giggling. HAHAHAHAHA.
Or, when you work with someone different enough than you who brings in different kids than you would have been able to.
Ex #5 Sara: Trevor, I'm really excited that you're coming to FLOCK now.
Trevor: Well, I knew Chris from camp and always thought he was awesome so when I saw that he was working here now I wanted to come.
Or, when they come up with ideas that you would never, in a million years, think to do.
Ex #6 Bacon Night. ENOUGH SAID.
Ahh, life in the youth room is never dull.
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