Monday, August 22, 2011

Back in the saddle again. August 21st, Entry #82.

Sara:  It's time for FLOCK again.  Oh what a long summer it's been without you.  Among the many things we did at FLOCK last night, each group came up with captions to 7 different pictures.  Some of them were a bit FLOCK inappropriate, but for the most part we laughing....really hard.  I thought I would share my favorite ones with you.

Picture of Jordan and moldy strawberry
Are you a parking ticket?  Cause you have fine written all over you!
I have gas
Jordan is hanging out with a fun-gi!
The rare "Jordanese species" was captured on camera the other day.  She has reportedly been in the storage room for over 18 months.  She scavenges for any food available, including year-old strawberries.  The mold cannot deter her.  Her hunger is great.

Picture of Sara and Aaron being ridiculously good looking.
We think we have a real job
"Power in its most elegant form....FIERCE by Calvin Klein"
We thought Brian and Joe looked good
The only non-Eddie Bauer clothes in Brian Witt's closet

Picture of Annelise with crazy make-up and hair
Born this way
Ready for prom!

Awkward picture of Lucas and Max in prop box attire
Lucas' AWKWARD first and last date

Picture of Hailey and Mallory spitting water out of their mouths
We can pee out of out mouths
Gatorade - $2, Stainless steel water bottle - $10, spitting your way to a new world record - PRICELESS
Hey Talls McGee, is your pee clear?

Picture of Jane hitting Joe over the head with a blow-up shark
Shark bait - hoo ha ha!
Ello, my name is Bruce.  Today at "Fish are friends, not food" I brought my new friend, Joe.  Joe is a friend, not food.

And a drawing, I have to share the drawing.  It's so pretty.

Yay for FLOCK.  I'm glad you're back.

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