Monday, January 24, 2011

Theology of the Potty. January 24th, Entry #57

Sara: So, blogs are fun.  Blogs are fun because you get to come across some weird stuff you might never find out about otherwise.  Take today, for example.  I clicked on the "Catholic Youth Ministry" blog because the author had a new entry entitled "Theology of the Potty".  Well duh, of course I have to check out what that's all about.  And to my delight I discover a few awesome things.

First, this blog entry was referencing a new mini-book for guys entitiled "Choosing the Right Urinal".  And, to make it even better, you can download the mini-book for free and check it out.  It's funny, it's relevant, it makes you think....all my favorite things in this job.  So, check it know you're dying too.

I could not make this up.

Second, the guy who wrote this mini-book is part of an acoustic humor rock band made up of 2 Catholic guys, Dan and Kyle.  Kyle wrote this book.  Their band is named Popple and they are AWESOME!!  They are hilarious and cool and I want to sit around with them, listen to their stories and be their friend.  You know you want to check them out too.

See, don't you want to be their friend?

And thirdly, to make this even better, I have met Popple before.  I had heard of them, but I got to see their awesomeness first hand in New Orleans at our Youth Minister Conference.  They sang a few songs, told some stories and made us laugh A LOT.  And just so you can see why, check out this video of a song they sang for us called "Youth Ministry in the 80's".  Absolutely classic. 

Sidenote: Sorry ladies, this blog entry is more for the dudes.  I mean, I don't really want to read a book about urninals and being manly....although I'm sure we would get a good laugh out of it.  So, give me some time, but I'll come up with something just for us. :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Deep Thoughts by Joe and Brian. January 13th, Entry # 56.

Sara: I really should know better than to give Joe and Brian pens and paper and tell them to be creative.  But then again, they are pretty stinking funny, albeit sometimes inappropriate.  But, to show you what I mean I give you their deep thoughts from the Post-it game last Sunday at FLOCK. 

Brian: Aaron steps on stage....quiet over the crowd...then he belts out: "Some people call me the Space Cowboy, some call me the Gangster of Love".

Joe: Evil Dr. Porkchop started throwing glowing apples of doom at the tiny midgets in the freezer of tranquility.

Brian: As their gazes locked from across the ballroom, the passion seeping from their bosoms spilled forth and all knew they were to be intertwined in the maze that is love.

Joe: The rapper Jumbo-Shrimp could not find his normal boxers so he went to Nancy Pellosi's but she wasn't home so he proceeded to ask Johnny Depp and he agreed but offered him a shoe first and then he ate him.

Brian: Skippy and Jackwagon go frolicking through a field of flowers...until an evil monster arrives.

Now, Joe and Brian aren't the only clever ones.  Please enjoy some more quotes from some more fab FLOCKers.

One day tacos will rule the world.

Joe and Brian skipped merrily through a field of flowers.

My personal favorite: A boy see a girl.  (deep, I know)

And then I ravenously devoured a deliciously caramelized Fuji apple from the outdoor market on Tuesday.

The Chiefs actually took the lead for 1 time.

The solid dot is attracted to the empty dot by a mysterious arrow.

After the car came out of the abyss, it ran into the other car and the 2 drivers - one with 3 legs and the other normal - went out for coffee.

The mutant soccer ball decided to go on a Taco Bell binge.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Youth Room Furniture. January 12th, Entry #55

Sara: Today I received a very interesting catalog in my mailbox.  It was entitled "The World needs Play"....that's all I needed to see to catch my attention.  After perusing this catalog for a few minutes and wondering how it got placed in my box, it dawned on me that is was put there for a very, VERY particular reason.  Some higher ups must be really excited about getting this future youth room under way, they must have some lofty ideals for this place of fellowship, they must be telling Aaron and I that's it's time to start picking out furniture....I mean, why else would there be a catalog of playground equipment in my mailbox?!?!

Aaron and I also understood this to mean find the most expensive, awesome-looking, hugest playground set for the youth room.  I mean, that's what you would think too, right?  Well, this is the one we picked out.

I mean, we'll have to knock down a few walls and spill into the cafeteria and maybe cut a hole in the roof to fit it all, but I think it's worth it.

And then we figured, since the other one only cost $138 Gs, we could totally afford another piece.  We unanimously agreed that this should be the 'piece de resistance' to complete the set.

C'mon, with this set up...who wouldn't want to learn about Jesus?  I know I would if I could climb across a spiderman net while zip-lining across the forest towards the tree fort.  Duh.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Things I did not like this week. December 7th. Entry #54.

Sara: You know as much as I love this job and as much as I am pretty positive person, I did not have a very good week here at the ol' SMTA.  I think I have to chalk it up to biting off more than I can chew.  I mean, we had some really good ideas, but that probably doesn't mean that we should have followed through on all of them. (think: Teen mass and lunch, Youth for Truth meeting and publicity, Food Kitchen service project next week, Camp T letters to all 4th grade parents and more and more and more.....)  I mean, it was so bad that I had a meltdown in the cheese aisle at the grocery store on Monday night and I ended up just putting away everything in my cart and leaving the store.  But, at the end of day, or the month really, some really awesome things will have gone down.  And so long as Jesus works his magic on some hearts, it will all be worth it.

Things I did not like this week:
Working on Friday.  boo.
Busting up my shin on a car door.
Mail Merging.
Microsoft Word kicking me out my letter at least 6 times.
Not sleeping enough.
Finalizing FLOCK plans on Friday.
My cart of donations rolling down the sidewalk in the wind.
Having to leave my bible study early for staff meeting.
Skipping my Adoration hour.  Totally forgot about it.
That weird smell in Atchison.

Things I did like this week:
Driving the McEntee mini-van while listening to Jordan's "Party Songs" mix
Catching up with some fab college freshman guys...and Abby too.
3 7th grade girls making me laugh really hard at GIFT
Inappropriate-ness from Joe and Brian at AP FLOCK.  As always.  (See the newest entry to "What I learn FLOCK" to the right")
Anita Roudebush and chili lunches.
Cross Country uniforms from Brian Witt and Blue Valley high school.
The sandwhich I made for lunch today.  Turkey AND roast beef.

Things I loved:
All of it.

At the end of the day, there's still no where else and nothing else I would rather be doing.