Thursday, January 13, 2011

Deep Thoughts by Joe and Brian. January 13th, Entry # 56.

Sara: I really should know better than to give Joe and Brian pens and paper and tell them to be creative.  But then again, they are pretty stinking funny, albeit sometimes inappropriate.  But, to show you what I mean I give you their deep thoughts from the Post-it game last Sunday at FLOCK. 

Brian: Aaron steps on stage....quiet over the crowd...then he belts out: "Some people call me the Space Cowboy, some call me the Gangster of Love".

Joe: Evil Dr. Porkchop started throwing glowing apples of doom at the tiny midgets in the freezer of tranquility.

Brian: As their gazes locked from across the ballroom, the passion seeping from their bosoms spilled forth and all knew they were to be intertwined in the maze that is love.

Joe: The rapper Jumbo-Shrimp could not find his normal boxers so he went to Nancy Pellosi's but she wasn't home so he proceeded to ask Johnny Depp and he agreed but offered him a shoe first and then he ate him.

Brian: Skippy and Jackwagon go frolicking through a field of flowers...until an evil monster arrives.

Now, Joe and Brian aren't the only clever ones.  Please enjoy some more quotes from some more fab FLOCKers.

One day tacos will rule the world.

Joe and Brian skipped merrily through a field of flowers.

My personal favorite: A boy see a girl.  (deep, I know)

And then I ravenously devoured a deliciously caramelized Fuji apple from the outdoor market on Tuesday.

The Chiefs actually took the lead for 1 time.

The solid dot is attracted to the empty dot by a mysterious arrow.

After the car came out of the abyss, it ran into the other car and the 2 drivers - one with 3 legs and the other normal - went out for coffee.

The mutant soccer ball decided to go on a Taco Bell binge.

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