Monday, September 20, 2010

Swashbucklers. September 19th, Entry #12

Sara: So I love's my favorite thing about Sundays.  Let's see....what was awesome about tonight?  Well, it was a game night so that's always fun.  There were some big dudes wearing things that were entirely too small for them from the prop box...thank you Parker and Lucas.  There were another 2 boys throwing donut holes across the room and trying (very effectively) to catch them in their mouths....they have big mouths...thank you Christian and Lucas.  Some girls brought me a smoothie so that was pretty epic and delightfully tasty....thank you Erica, Olivia and Jane. 

I think my favorite part was the sword fight between 2 of the most uncoordinated people I know.  And, what started out as a simple fight with 2 plastic swords, turned into a fight with swords, stick horses a dodgeball and a bat.  But of course, none of the extra weapons seemed to help either of their just made for an even more hilarious "fight".  I don't even know who won in the end....I bet Jane and Parker, the 2 fighters, don't even know.

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