Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tie-Dyed Masterpieces of Joy. September 29th, Entry #16

Sara: I think I need to make a list was a super fun day!

#1 Tie-dying with Erica - thank you Erica for introducing me to tie-dying for the first time.  I would also bet that this was the first time the SMTA courtyard has been tie-dyed in....the courtyard thanks you too.  I told Erica that I wanted tie-dyed tube socks b/c that would just be hilarious....and she took me seriously.  So, this afternoon she brought up tie-dying kits and white t-shirts and white tube socks...and let me tell you....nothing is white anymore....they are now tie-dyed masterpieces of joy and utility.

#2  Dress like Sara and Aaron day at GIFT - that's right, Aaron and I have become such icons of awesomeness that now middle schoolers want to be just like us!  Duh.  There were some good contenders, some creative ideas (like "Erin" who wore boys clothes and therefore was "Aaron"...clever), but in the end it was a pretty simply choice for all the judges.  Sam dressed as Aaron in a blue polo, khaki pants and cool sneaks...much like Aaron's attire for work.  Caroline dressed as Sara in a tank top, Bermuda shorts and curly hair....much like my summer attire.  Well done team.  (and GIFT itself was pretty fun...except when I stopped paying attention and let a blindfolded kid run into and fall over the bad!)

#3  AP FLOCK - I just love the good convos we have at AP FLOCK.  Tonight we read an article about God's love by Peter Kreeft.  Peter Kreeft is just utterly fab....he is a brilliant theologian that has a knack for making the the biggest  ideas and mysteries of our faith seem so simple and attainable.  You walk away thinking, "well of course, why didn't I think of it like that before?!".  One simple thought, "I mean, I should just always ask what God wants me to do and then do it.  That's all, isn't it?"

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