Sara: One of my favorite things about Fall at St. Michael are the president pumpkins. You read that right. In an attempt to make learning about the presidents fun, the 3rd graders get to create president look-alikes from pumpkins. I get to walk by them every day on my way into and out of the building and each time, I try not to laugh a little....because well, they are ridiculous.
I would like to share with you my favorite creations this year, and just for history's sake, let's go in order.
President #1 - George Washington. Not a bad depiction, the cotton balls do nicely to reconstruct the powdered wig. But my favorite part....the president pumpkin has a candy pumpkin for a nose....pumpkin on it!
President #3 - Thomas Jefferson. Am I the only one who thinks this one looks like my grandma? The hair is a nice touch, but it reminds of the bouffant style of the old ladies at church. And the Declaration of Independence scroll...nice touch, but it makes me think of my grandma trying to swat away us naughty grandkids when we stole cookie batter.
President #16 - Abraham Lincoln. Honest Abe is the most pumpkinized of all the presidents....why?...because it's easy. Stick a top hat made from construction paper and a black beard on a pumpkin and BAM! Done. But this one was my favorite Lincoln. Look at that luscious beard that covers 3/4 of the face. Is that real fur? I want to touch it and find out but I'm afraid that it might actually be cat hair. Yuck.
President #32 - William Howard Taft. I don't know anything about this president. But all I can say about this use of Q-tips and a shower cap I have ever seen!! "Mom, I need some cotton balls to make a mustache". "Well, we're out of cotton balls....your brother used them all to make a powdered wig for G-dub....use some Q-tips, that's close enough".
President #32 - Franklin D. Roosevelt. Love it. All I've got to say is some 3rd grader's little sister is really ticked right now because she can't find her doll stroller. And when she gets it back she going to be even angrier because it's not pink anymore.
President # 38 - Gerald Ford. RUDY! RUDY! RUDY! Oh wait, my bad. I think this kid forgot about this project until the morning of. And he sat there holding a pumpkin and a football helmet and thought, "well shoot....I think that one president guy played football in college...guess this is going to have to be enough".
President #40 - Ronald Reagan. Oh my. I didn't know they gave out crowns in Hollywood. But I must say, that is the most delicious crown I have ever seen! And while this student obviously focused on the pre-presidency life of Ronnie, I enjoy how they threw in a last minute nod to his presidential acts. Gorbachev...Tear Down this Wall...and I'll give you some jelly beans!