Sunday, October 31, 2010

Matt Maher makes me pee my pants. October 30th, Entry #35

Sara: Last night we saw Matt Maher.  ASKGFKHSKHFLJAOYRKCNASLJJCNAP!!  There isn't a word in the English language that can describe how much I HEART Matt Maher.  Even as I sit here listening to him right now, I cannot come up with words to write because I am just ALHLWHLNCVOL with him.

Ok, let me tell you why I HEART Matt Maher so much.  I don't typically care for Christian music because it usually isn't good music...the lyrics are fine, but the music itself is basic.  But Matt, he nails it.  His music is GOOD.  As for the lyrics....profound, really.  I think this comes from his understanding of his Catholic faith.  His music is grounded in the sacraments, the scripture and God's revelation to us.  His latest album, Alive Again, is broken down to cover Christ's journey to us and for us, namely (1) his Revelation of himself to us, (2) his Incarnation, (3) his Communion with our humanity and (4) his Restoration of our lives through his sacrifice.  I have goosebumps a little.  Brilliant.

Highlights from the night:

#1 I should preface that Matt Maher was just an opening band for Tenth Ave. North.  But, when he came on stage, we went NUTS!!  People around us were looking at us weird because they had never even heard of him.  You're welcome Open Door Baptist Church....we are happy to share the love.

#2 My arm is sore from all the fist pumping at "you called and you SHOUTED!" (well that and the Frisbee golf I played that afternoon)

#3 He's "one of us".  Yup, he's a Catholic.  We just loved that.  There aren't a lot of Catholic Christian artists that are rocking it.  We're proud to call him one of our own.

#4 Evelyn and Olivia were having SUCH a good time (dancing, singing and generally rocking it) that the 2 ladies next to them switched spots.  Ha!  I think their enthusiasm scared them just a bit.

#5 My girls.  I took 9 girls to this show.  Last minute.  I just threw it out there that Matt was in town and we should go.  They dropped what they were doing to come.  Evelyn came from her State Cross Country Meet and then an Art show, didn't even have time to shower, but jumped in the van, excited.  Mackenzie came straight back from a college visit so she wouldn't miss it. Hailey didn't even know she was going until the day of.  You girls are awesome.   

#6 Check out this shirt.  Super sweet.  The girls all agreed to wear them to school on Monday.  Love the witness.

#7 We got a shout out from the 2nd band.  She was so overwhelmed by the excitement of the crowd.  And then she pointed to a group of guys on the side and said "these guys are having their own dance party over there.  They need to hook up with those girls back there who keep yelling and dancing".  Yup,  that was us.  What up??

#8 Clifford.  I got to drive a 15 passenger van.  Clifford, the big red van.  I felt like I was driving a bus!  Check that off the bucket list.

I guess I should also point out that the other 2 bands were awesome too.  You should check them out: Addison Road and Tenth Avenue North.  You really should.
The lead singers of all the bands for the encore.

Ok, I could write tons more about MM, but let's be honest, this post is already long enough. :)

Perspective. October 28th, Entry #34.

Sara: I love makes you look at things in a different way, or, in this case, it made me realize something I had never thought of before.

I was having a 1-on-1 with one of my fab high schooler leaders this afternoon, we'll call her Jordan (mostly b/c that's her actual name).  We were talking about college and she was worried that she won't be able to pick one because, so far, she has liked all the ones she has visited.  Then I told her that she's just going to have to sit back and listen to God...he'll make sure she picks the right one.

Then I recounted the divine intervention that sent me to KU.  And I told her how God must have had a hand in that because if I'd gone somewhere else I probably wouldn't have gotten involved in a campus center, or found my faith, or learned about my faith and there was NO WAY I would have the job I do now.  Wow, my life would be so much different!

And then Jordan spoke...and kind of rocked my world.  She said, "Do you know how many OTHER people's lives would be different?  How many people's lives you've touched and changed?"  And Jordan, I don't know if you realized this, but I had a serious mouth-hanging open moment.  I'd never thought of that.  I've really never sat down and thought about how other people's live might be different.  I just think about getting from one Sunday to the next and not embarrassing myself or sending any kids home with broken bones.

I'm hard on myself in this job and I just haven't ever thought that I might be making a difference in someone else's life.  I mean, what could I possibly do or say that could affect someone?  Yeah, of course the other Youth Ministers around town are changing kids' lives...they're awesome at their jobs.  But me....ehh, I'm just getting though. 

And while I am still going to be hard on myself, thank you Jordan for the persepctive, if even for the afternoon.  Thanks for helping me remember what's important. :)

This really is the greatest job ever.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hail to the Chief. October 28th, Entry #33

Sara: One of my favorite things about Fall at St. Michael are the president pumpkins.  You read that right.  In an attempt to make learning about the presidents fun, the 3rd graders get to create president look-alikes from pumpkins.  I get to walk by them every day on my way into and out of the building and each time, I try not to laugh a little....because well, they are ridiculous. 

I would like to share with you my favorite creations this year, and just for history's sake, let's go in order.

President #1 - George Washington.  Not a bad depiction, the cotton balls do nicely to reconstruct the powdered wig.  But my favorite part....the president pumpkin has a candy pumpkin for a nose....pumpkin on it!

President #3 - Thomas Jefferson.  Am I the only one who thinks this one looks like my grandma?  The hair is a nice touch, but it reminds of the bouffant style of the old ladies at church.  And the Declaration of Independence scroll...nice touch, but it makes me think of my grandma trying to swat away us naughty grandkids when we stole cookie batter.

President #16 - Abraham Lincoln.  Honest Abe is the most pumpkinized of all the presidents....why?...because it's easy.  Stick a top hat made from construction paper and a black beard on a pumpkin and BAM! Done.  But this one was my favorite Lincoln.  Look at that luscious beard that covers 3/4 of the face.  Is that real fur?  I want to touch it and find out but I'm afraid that it might actually be cat hair.  Yuck.

President #32 - William Howard Taft.  I don't know anything about this president.  But all I can say about this use of Q-tips and a shower cap I have ever seen!!  "Mom, I need some cotton balls to make a mustache".  "Well, we're out of cotton balls....your brother used them all to make a powdered wig for G-dub....use some Q-tips, that's close enough".

President #32 - Franklin D. Roosevelt.  Love it.  All I've got to say is some 3rd grader's little sister is really ticked right now because she can't find her doll stroller.  And when she gets it back she going to be even angrier because it's not pink anymore.

President # 38 - Gerald Ford.  RUDY! RUDY! RUDY!  Oh wait, my bad.  I think this kid forgot about this project until the morning of.  And he sat there holding a pumpkin and a football helmet and thought, "well shoot....I think that one president guy played football in college...guess this is going to have to be enough".

President #40 - Ronald Reagan.  Oh my.  I didn't know they gave out crowns in Hollywood.  But I must say, that is the most delicious crown I have ever seen!  And while this student obviously focused on the pre-presidency life of Ronnie, I enjoy how they threw in a last minute nod to his presidential acts. Gorbachev...Tear Down this Wall...and I'll give you some jelly beans!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

C-dub...again. October 26th, Entry #32.

Sara: So, I promised myself that I would not write about C-dub least for a little while.  But, he's just so darned funny....and I feel that keeping his humor to myself is just not fair.  The love of C-dub should be shared.  So, I'm sorry if you are tired of hearing about C-dub....but honestly I don't think you really are...b/c if you are, you have no sense of humor whatsoever.

So, random thoughts by C-dub on a splendid Tuesday afternoon.

Aaron: I feel left out of the bromance. (between Kyle and C-dub)
Sara: Can you have a bromance of three?
C-dub: Yeah, it's called the Trinity!

Sara: High 5s and eternal glory...those are my prizes at FLOCK.  Very valuable.
C-dub: Yeah, your High 5s are a like a currency in a 3rd World Country.

Aaron: There should be motivational posters about know, like the ones that say "knowledge is contagious, catch it!"
C-dub: You can't dodge knowledge...might as well catch it!

C-dub: J-hi kids stole my pride.

On a side note: As much as I talk about how funny Chris is...what I really like most about Chris is his authentic and genuine heart.  This guy...he is a great youth minister and his kiddos are VERY lucky to have him around.  He and I talk constantly about how we can better serve our students and how we can get them to understand what really matters.  Youth group is fine and dandy...but what he really wants...he wants to transform hearts and make kiddos fall more in love with Jesus every day.  He is an inspiration to me to remember what this job is all about.  Thanks Chris for being my friend, challenging me as a colleague and helping me remember what matters most.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

7 Years Running. October 24th, Entry #31.

Sara:  Soooo....Halloween Party.  Awesome.  As always.  There are only a few things that I have done year after year in this job, and the pumpkin carving/costume party/apple bobbing is one of them.  And I'm glad that it is a reoccurring event b/c I love it!  I don't so much love all the strange looks I get at Wal-Mart when I buy 10 pumpkins or from the Religious Ed parents and volunteers on Sunday night when I am running around setting up in some ridiculous costume, but it's worth it. 

I always enjoy the creativity of the pumpkin carving and the costumes.  This year there were a few things that I particularly thought to be creative, if not down right hilarious.

#1 The Ninjas.  Thank you Brian and are officially ridiculous.

Ninjas can't be captured on film...this is the closest we got.
Shadow Wanderers??  Really?

You know you don't HAVE to go when the creepy ninjas call for you, right?

#2 Miss Pumpkin-head.  Thank you Hailey for sticking a pumpkin on your head...willingly...and with enthusiasm.  Never, in 7 years, has anyone done that.

#3  9.4 seconds.  This year's apple bobbing record.  Thank you Evelyn for going for the gold, dunking the top half of your body, biting apples with ferocity, taking no prisoners.

Good technique.

#4  Embarrassing myself.  This might be one of the worst pictures of me....ever.  At least  Aaron looks always.  Thank you Mrs. Witt and Mrs. Rolleston for stealing your sons' clothes for us.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Trains of Thought. October 19th, Entry #30

Sara:  Do you ever think about how conversations get from one point to another?  You know, like how you end up talking about silk pajamas even though the conversation started about sandwiches?  Do you ever go back and try and remember how you got from Point A to Point B?  Well I did that yesterday after a conversation with C-dub.  Now, let me preface that C-dub might be the funniest person I have ever met so I am not surprised that out conversation was as random as it was, but still....the train of thought on this one was something else. 

I would like to share with you how we got from


Peanut Butter M&Ms -->  the new M&Ms with pretzels in the middle --> Chris likes pretzels, especially soft ones --> the Hoffbrau Haus in Munich, Germany has the best soft pretzels --> stories about Sara's escapades in Germany -->  what exactly is lederhosen? -->  Chris googles lederhosen -->  Chris now wants lederhosen --> Chris is going to make his groomsmen wear lederhosen whenever he gets married --> if he marries a Korean girl, there can be a combination of lederhosen and kimonos --> it would be better if each groomsmen could wear a different should be a Stormtrooper

Beat that at your job on a Tuesday afternoon.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Andrew's favorite book. October 17th, Entry #29

Sara: So, Andrew visited us tonight at FLOCK.  It was AWESOME!  It was awesome b/c Andrew is from Prayer and Action, only our favorite mission trip ever.  He was in town on Fall Break visiting some friends and he wanted to come and hang out with us.  Please note: There are 4 other youth groups in Kansas City he could have visited...but he chose us...oh yeah!!  Andrew is in seminary for the Diocese of Salina so that makes him even more awesome. 

I would like to relay to everyone a conversation that happened during FLOCK:

Sara: The book of Leviticus was written for the Levite tells them how to be priests.
Brian: Andrew, is that your favorite book of the Bible?
Andrew: No. 
Brian: What is your favorite book?
Andrew: Probably the Gospel of John
Aaron: Twilight.
Andrew: *gagging and puking noises*

Oh Andrew.

Forts. October 17th, Entry #28

Sara: Tonight we built forts....that's right, forts.  I thought Aaron was going to pee his pants, he was so excited at the idea.  Each team got a bunch of blue gym mats, some boxes, stools, trash cans and these weird cylinder things.  After they built and fortified their forts, each team got the chance to attack another fort to see how strong their defenses were.  It was EPIC.  I've never seen such creative uses of blue mats and recycle bins.  Everyone's forts held up pretty well too considering the massive bombarding that took place.

But I think my favorite part was the fort that used the weird cylinders as helmets for their defenders.  It was my favorite b/c it really didn't work.  It actually made for bigger targets for people to throw things at...and throw things they did.  But those boys were dedicated...despite the massive headaches that must have ensued.  They stayed in there and took it for their team.  I will say, their fort was still very sturdy after the beating....but I'm not sure it had anything to do with them or their helmets.

See what I mean?  Weird cylinder things.

Not the best fort of the bunch.  Sorry guys.

The projectile bombardment items.

The poor recycle will never be the same.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My dad. October 13th, Entry # 27

Sara: My dad is awesome.  Some of you have met him and I think you would agree that Mr. B is pretty tight.  Yesterday he sent me an email that made everything right after a rough morning.  Do you ever have moments like that...when things are just kind of crummy and somehow, some way, (and in my case, even though they are 550 miles away)...your parents just know you need them?  Even when you are 28, you still need your parents.

Here is his email...short, sweet and to the point.

"Been reading your blog. Humor, insightfulness, faith, what a girl- but then why am I surprised? You’ve always knocked my socks off!"

Thanks dad.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pandajerk?? October 12th, Entry #26

Sara:  Youth Minister Meeting this favorite thing about the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Now, while I tell all of you to keep your phones out of sight during FLOCK or else I will take them and donate them to Lurbin, I did a poor job of that today at out meeting.  I will admit that I spent the first half of the meeting texting....with another youth minister....sitting across the circle from me.  Classy.  But this other YM was none other than the infamous Kyle Kuckleman and I thought it would be only fair to share those texts with you.

Preface: Kyle has yet to sign up for the National Catholic Youth Minister's Conference....and the deadline is in 3 days.  He decided it was my job to remind him to sign up.  I told him I would text him incessantly everyday until he did so....and I did it right then and there to go ahead and start being annoying.  Our texts are as follows:

Sara: Don't forget to sign up for NCCYM.
Kyle: Pandajerk!!!
Sara: What?!  Maybe you should marry your panda.
Kyle: Dumbest thing ever.
Sara: What? Were you looking at Aaron?
Kyle: You little devil!!!
Kyle: That was my best friend!
Sara: WAS?  What did you do to him?

Our Lunch Today. October 12th, Entry #25

Aaron: OK, so this doesn't have to do with our actual job of teaching you about Jesus or your faith, which in itself is super awesome.  But, today we had a meeting over lunch and we got to have: Jose Pepper's fajitas, root beer, ice cream with cherries, chocolate sauce, oreo's, m&m's, and anything else you could want! PLUS we got to watch some old school "Lassie" episodes.  And, on top of all that we got to see Nativity's sweet new youth room and hang out with some pretty cool people.  Thank God for this job!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Cupcakes for Life. October 10th, Entry #24

Sara: Awkward moments brought to you by FLOCK.

Preface: Friday, Oct 8th was National Pro-Life Cupcake Day.  The purpose is to remember all the unborn babies that will never have a birthday and therefore, never have a birthday cake.

Justin: Then why isn't there a candle in each one?

Sara: Well, I thought about doing that and I thought that we could sing Happy Birthday to all the dead babies, but I just figured that that would be really awkward.

Cowboy boots and frosting. October 10th, Entry #23

Sara:  Tonight I would like to talk about Luke.  I have been a fan of Luke since he was in middle school.  Just his independent spirit, his desire to be EXACTLY who he is no matter what anyone else thinks, his work ethic, his dedication to things he's passionate about, his honesty, and frankly just his name (I've always liked the name Luke, it's manly!) are things I've always admired about him.

But tonight...tonight I got to see a different side of Luke, the ornery 17-year-old side.  Luke got a new pair of cowboy boots (I do love boots!).  They were pretty darn cool....brown square toe, blue leather on the top half, sweet white stitching and orange piping. I lamented the fact that people would not be able to see the cool, colorful part of his boots b/c they would always be under his jeans.  So, what does he do?  The only obvious thing....tuck his jeans right into boots....and he wore them like that for the rest of the night.  Nice.

Luke also helped frost some cupcakes with the ladies b/c he was early.  After the decorating was done he decided that he could not, in good conscience, let the leftover frosting go to he got a spoon and went to work.  By the end of the night most of the frosting was gone as was Luke's ability to sit still.  Talk about a sugar high...not to mention the imminent crash that was soon to come.

Thank you Luke for letting me see this ridiculous side of you!

Go back to Twilightville! October 9th, Entry #22

Sara: For those of you who don't know Chris Walters (aka CDub, or CDubsalot lately), you need to.  He is quite possibly one of my top 5 favorite people of all time, no joke.  He is hilarious and slightly awkward and that always makes for a fun experience with Chris.

Speaking of fun/awkward experiences...Chris got 6 free tickets to the Wizards game Saturday night.  I'd never been to a Wizards game and don't particularly like soccer, but I figured the company would be delightful.  And I was right.  4 of the 6 of us are Youth Ministers so I figured that this counts for this blog.  So, sadly the Wizards lost to a team from Seattle.  At the end of the game this group of guys sitting next to us starts yelling at the Seattle fans to go back to Twilightville. (you know, b/c Twilight is set in Seattle...very clever, obviously)

Well, Chris just thinks this is too funny and wants to join in on the fun.  So, while we are on the concourse on our way out of the game Chris physchs himself up to yell at the passing Seattle fans.  But this is what came out of his mouth

"HEY YOU, GO BACK  to Twilightville, *mumble, mumble, look at the ground*". 

Really Chris?  If you're going to insult someone do it with gusto!

"OK, I'm ready this time....GO BACK to Twilight *mumble, mumble*"

Chris you are an insult to heckling, c'mon.

So, Chris decided to take another angle...if he couldn't get up the guts to properly heckle the Seattle fans, he figured he'd just heckle Chelsea....b/c that makes sense.

"Hey, Chelsea....are you Team Jacob or Team Edward? Jacob?  Of course you are....go back to Twilightville!"

Well, at least he found his niche by the end of the night.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Taco Soup. October 6th, Entry # 21

Sara: Best way to start you day....homemade taco soup.  Thank you to the fabulous mom that texted me to say "I just left a crock pot of taco soup in the lounge for you, Pam and Aaron for lunch".  No reason really, she just thought of us.  Not only was there a pot of tasty soup, there was cheese, sour cream, chips, bowls, spoons and even Tupperware to take home left-overs.  Seriously!?  Best. job. ever.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Quotes of the day. October 5th, Entry #20

Sara: Today I was reading a book about Youth Ministry.  There were 2 sidebars in the book that literally made me laugh out loud at Panera.  I figured it was only fair to share them with you.

#1 "How does a functional youth group operate when you have the Goth kid sitting next to the home-school kid and the home-school kid sitting next to the youth group make-out-machine?"

Someone please, please, tell me what a "youth group make-out-machine" is??  New favorite phrase, right there.

#2 As youth ministers we live and minister in a culture of diversity and contradiction. One minute you can have a conversation with a teenager about faith, life, the universe - as deep and insightful as any conversation with an adult - and the next minute you'll have a bunch of kids rolling on the floor laughing because someone farted."

Yup, this is my life.  This is my reality every Sunday night.  Thanks for keeping me on my toes guys.

I have the best job ever.

What I learn from my kids. October 4th, Entry # 19

Sara:  So, I could start another blog entitled "What I learn from my kids".  It would be full of many life changing things such as, but not limited to,, the word "creeper" and developing a love for Sperry's. 

But it would also include many instances where my kiddos have taught me how to love Jesus more and how to do my job better....the best part is, they don't even know they are teaching me.

For instance, that maybe a fun night with friends, fancy dresses, corsages, nice dinners and dancing can end with a little Jesus time.  I mean, I don't know about you guys, but not in all my years of high school did it ever even occur to me that maybe I should throw in a little Adoration after the Homecoming dance.  That why not include one more stellar friend (Jesus, of course) to the night's lineup?  So, kudos to the 4 of you that remembered Jesus on your big night.  You have taught me to prioritize my Jesus-time and remember what's important.  Well done team.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Do you have any gum? October 3rd, Entry #18

Sara: I think today was a day of quotes.  I think I'll just list them out.

Sara: Look at all these kids at Teen Mass with us.
Aaron: I know!
Sara: They make us look good at our job.
Aaron: I just look good.

*2 minutes before Communion at Mass*
Parker: Do you have any gum?
Aaron: *shakes head in disbelief*

Sara: Thanks for coming to lunch, let's pray.....I forgot the words
Aaron: Bless us O Lord....*once again shaking head in disbelief*
Aaron: That's like the easiest prayer

Brian as Sean Connery: That's not what your mom said
Aaron: *shakes head, yet again, in disbelief*

Joe (on how to dance like Lady Gaga): Dance like you're trying to get a rich man to marry you