Tuesday, October 26, 2010

7 Years Running. October 24th, Entry #31.

Sara:  Soooo....Halloween Party.  Awesome.  As always.  There are only a few things that I have done year after year in this job, and the pumpkin carving/costume party/apple bobbing is one of them.  And I'm glad that it is a reoccurring event b/c I love it!  I don't so much love all the strange looks I get at Wal-Mart when I buy 10 pumpkins or from the Religious Ed parents and volunteers on Sunday night when I am running around setting up in some ridiculous costume, but it's worth it. 

I always enjoy the creativity of the pumpkin carving and the costumes.  This year there were a few things that I particularly thought to be creative, if not down right hilarious.

#1 The Ninjas.  Thank you Brian and Joe....you are officially ridiculous.

Ninjas can't be captured on film...this is the closest we got.
Shadow Wanderers??  Really?

You know you don't HAVE to go when the creepy ninjas call for you, right?

#2 Miss Pumpkin-head.  Thank you Hailey for sticking a pumpkin on your head...willingly...and with enthusiasm.  Never, in 7 years, has anyone done that.

#3  9.4 seconds.  This year's apple bobbing record.  Thank you Evelyn for going for the gold, dunking the top half of your body, biting apples with ferocity, taking no prisoners.

Good technique.

#4  Embarrassing myself.  This might be one of the worst pictures of me....ever.  At least  Aaron looks good...like always.  Thank you Mrs. Witt and Mrs. Rolleston for stealing your sons' clothes for us.


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